Fernando Paulovich is an associate professor and Canada Research Chair (Tier 2) in Data Visualization at the Faculty of Computer Science, Dalhousie University, and head of the Visual Analytics and Visualization (VAV) lab. His research focus is on integrating machine learning and visualization tools and techniques, taking advantage of the “intelligence” provided by machine learning approaches, and of user knowledge, to help people understanding and taking full advantage of complex and large data collections.

Visual Analytics
Machine learning and visualization integration
2005 - 2008
University of São Paulo, Brazil
Ph.D. in Computer Science
Visual Data Mining
Improving data mining tasks through visual representations
Information Visualization
Helping people to understand data using visualizations
2001 - 2003
Federal University of São Carlos, Brazil
MSc in Computer Science
1997 - 2000
Federal University of São Carlos, Brazil
BSc in Computer Science